The hardest thing about being in a long-distance relationship continued from high school into college or university is that feelings can change, and they often do.
Why you should dump your high school sweetheart
Being in a relationship can really hinder your ability to meet new people. This is especially important in first and second year, as the friends you make there can help you get through your classes, give you something to do when not in class or studying, get you involved in extra-curricular activities, and likely be people you will keep in touch with for the rest of your life. Each year you should aim to meet new people – you never know what you could gain from a friendship.
So, how do you dump your high school sweetheart without looking like a complete jerk?
I have been dumped cruelly in the past. The worst one happened while we were at a bar. He was drunk, I had no cash and a bunch of my belongings were at his friends’ house. Best. Night. Ever.
Unfortunately, there a lot of jerks out there (I seem to have dated quite a few) and there are ways people get dumped which are frankly pretty mean.
If you ever want to end a relationship, don’t do it this way – ever
- Through Facebook, Twitter or other social networking sites
- While at a bar
- Via text message
- At a sports game allowing the ordeal to be caught on the JumboTron
- Using a friend to deliver the news
- By leaving a note on the car windshield
- On their birthday
- In public in the middle of a date together
- Right after sex
- Via instant message (like GChat, MSN, Facebook, etc.)
- Leaving a Post-It note
For the (rather unfortunate) dumpee
You’re probably not feeling too great about yourself at the moment. I’ve been dumped in some pretty cruel ways myself, so I know how you feel: sometimes you just don’t see these things coming.
What to do now? Move on. What it takes can really vary from person-to-person, but usually you mourn your relationship for a little while, accept that it wasn’t a good match, and then get back to normal. Regardless of how soon you are ready to date again, spend time outside of class, homework, and sleep, around other people.
Think about all of the awesome things you do and why others like to be around you. Keep doing the things that make you the amazing individual you are (or maybe try some new things), and you will meet a whole group of people you never could have met if you were still pining over your ex. This is the best time of your life to meet new people so get out and do it! There are multiple ways you can do it in university or college, such as joining clubs, student government, intramurals, volunteering, or working part-time.
Why being single is actually great
- You’re not accountable to anyone
- You can flirt and not get in any trouble
- You can watch whatever you want on TV
- You can be happy with who you are, not who your significant other wants you to be
- You don’t need to discuss going to certain social engagements
- You can spend as much time with your friends as you want
- You don’t need to give a lame excuse for not spending enough time on yourself
- You can wear what you choose to bed and no one steals your blankets
- You don’t need to tolerate moodiness
- You don’t need to worry about if they will call
- You can buy whatever food you want
- You can appreciate your independence