Monday, May 25, 2009

Off-Campus Housing Series Two: Your New Place (And What to Bring) Part Five: The Common Room

"Off-Campus Housing Series Two: Your New Place (And What to Bring) Part Five: The Common Room", April 2008

I didn’t know what else to call this room in your house, as it can go by many different names:
Family room, living room, dining room, TV room or common room. Just because we call it as such in my student house, I’m going to stick with the name common room. I am supreme overlord. DO AS I SAY AND FOLLOW SUIT!! Or, not. It doesn't really matter to me.

This will likely be the most social room in the house. Why? It has a television. Or, rather if you should so choose, it will have a television. It sounds really bad for me to say this...but I can’t live without a TV. It’s not even that I watch a lot on a regular basis (Friday Night Lights, Family Guy and House M.D being the exceptions), but I have a tendency to watch it passively while I eat dinner (and thus watch the Simpsons, Family Guy and Friends). That, and its fun to procrastinate by watching the Discovery Channel and TLC (Myth Busters, Dirty Jobs and John and Kate Plus 8!!).

Along with a TV, you will (or may) want a VCR or DVD player to watch movies. Same goes for a gaming system (if you’re that kind of person...I am not). Where will you put these items? On empty cardboard boxes you used to move yourself in, milk crates, or in an entertainment unit? Sure, it's fine to have all of these things, but keeping everything on the floor just looks, well stupid. You may be a student, but that doesn't mean style goes out the window completely when you're on a budget.

More important than a TV is seating. Unless you all like to sit on the floor, you will need to acquire some couches and chairs.
Another good idea is to bring some lawn furniture in. I realize this suggestions sounds very Southern U.S. Redneck Hick-ish...but if you have a lot of people over at your house they will likely not all fit in the furniture you have. You can also hide said tacky furniture somewhere (front closet!) when not in use. Another upside is that it is pretty cheap: many chairs cost less than ten dollars each. Some of them even come with their own cup holders. It is really a win-win situation.

Along with this, you will need some tables. End tables are good for holding drinks, as well as for storing small items. Large tables are better for dining off of, and playing games such as flip cup. I'm not advocating drinking games, but if you play them, you need to think about the height of your table. Coffee tables are beneficial overall, as they can be used to eat off of, as well as rest one’s feet. TV tables may be a useful (and cheap) investment as well, especially if you haven’t perfected the art of eating off of your lap.

Also you will need some lighting. I love lamp (yes, I am quoting from Old School). Also, if you outfit your lamps with energy efficient bulbs, you can knock a little bit of money off of your electricity bill. Lighting helps people from clumsily bashing their knees on furniture. At least some of the time.

Other than that, it’s all decorative preference. Never under estimate the value of a good throw pillow. Not only can they be used as weapons, but they can also double as seating in a pinch. My current house has a bunch of posters on the wall from when we lived in res, as well as a wall of stupid things we all say. Similarly, there are some rather weird objects that tie into each of our personalities, but serve no real function, other than as a collector of dust. Also, it’s almost obligatory to decorate with empty liquor bottles. Why? I don’t know, but apparently that the thing to do in University. Admittedly, none of the bottles in my house are mine...I’m not a big drinker.

You now have all of the common areas of your house accounted for. Now all is left is the last article in the series: your bedroom. Out of curiosity though, does anyone know where to get milk crates? I talked about them a lot in this article, but actually have no idea where one would get them.

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